When it comes to offering you comfort and protection, Bearpaw boots are a complete winner. A suede upper construction, sheepskin inner lining, and the style that comes from the two make the appearance and functionality of these boots quite an achievement for you.
Now although these boots can fool chilly, freezing winters after granting you all that protection and traction as you tread rough, snowy grounds; they take a beating in the form of water stains, oil stains, scuff marks, sometimes even those of ink and chewing gums.
So what about cleaning these boots? And what do you do if you don’t have the specific Bearpaw cleaners at home?
This is why it is important to learn how to clean Bearpaw boots without cleaner. This article will discuss how you can use rubbing alcohol, water, baking soda, and even your own fridge to clean the exterior or the interior of Bearpaw boots.
With the right cleansing technique, you can keep the suede and the wool in good shape–even after all those rain, snow, and sleet. So, let’s get started with your most pressing questions.
How To Clean Bearpaw Boots Without Cleaner
Here, you’ll learn how to clean both the inside and the outside of the shoes:
How Should I Clean Salt Stains From My Bearpaw Boots?
The first method requires you to use a solution of vinegar and water. This is what you are going to do:
- Start by mixing 1 tbsp of distilled vinegar and a cup of water in your bowl. Next, start dipping a clean and fresh towel in it, and then wipe the area where the salt has stained your boots. The salt will dissolve under the influence of acetic acid.
- Then, dip a cotton bowl in water and wipe the stained area that you treated with vinegar in step 1, with water, evenly. Never soak the entire boot in water as it can give rise to water stains.
- Once your boots have dried, lifting the nap with a suede brush will be your first task.
- Finally, dry the boots with a blow dryer or dry them outdoors.
There’s another method for cleaning salt stains that requires you to use a suede erase. Since these are coarse-grained erasers, they can easily remove water stains and dirt from your boots by just applying medium/hard pressure on the stain. Don’t worry if you see rubbery particles on the shoe from the eraser. Simply work it up till you see no stains.
How Should I Remove Tough Oil Stains From My Bearpaw Boots?
To remove oil stains, follow these steps using talcum powder or chalk:
- Pour the chalk or talc powder on the oil stain. You can also use cornstarch for this. Let it sit for one whole day and then brush off the powder.
- If simply dusting off the powder doesn’t remove the stain, you will have to use a suede brush to brush on top of the powder and rub it on the stain
- Repeat till you see no oil or grease.
How Should I Remove Ink Stains or Chewing Gum From My Bearpaw Boots?
To remove the stain of ink or stuck gum from your boots, you will need to use Rubbing Alcohol or Ice in the following manner:
- Soak a small towel in rubbing alcohol for 5-6 minutes and use it on the stained area.
- Use a scrubbing brush or sandpaper to clean the area if this is an ink stain.
- For gum stuck onto your boots, keep them inside your fridge in a ziplock bag to make it hard and remove it.
- Using a brush removes the extra gum and you’re done.
How Should I Remove The Water Stains From My Bearpaw Boots?
To remove water stains from these boots, you have to use the same ingredient; water. For this:
- Put a towel inside the boots.
- Spray the boots with water on the upper and scrub with a brush along the edges.
- Now blot using a cloth to dry the boots to save the boots from possible future water stains.
- Use a suede brush to brush the boots when they dry.
How Should I Get Rid of Scuff Marks From My Bearpaw Boots?
To remove scuff marks on the boots, you have to use an eraser as follows:
- Use an artist’s eraser to remove the scuff marks without rubbing violently.
- Maintain the direction of the nap and change your hand motion to work on the boots.
- In the end, lift the nap with a suede brush.
How Should I Clean The Inside of My Bearpaw Boots?
To clean the inside of the boots, you have to use either baking soda or an antifungal spray. You can try these steps:
- Don’t use chlorine bleach. Take pine oil or use a phenolic disinfectant with water to clean the inside of the boot. If you don’t have these, use anti-fungal spray.
- Air-dry the boots for a day without damaging the hide.
- Now, to remove the bad odor, take some baking soda and pour it inside the boots, keeping it for a day. Then dust it off and use the boots.
Another method of cleaning the insides is as follows:
- Clean the insides with a wet sponge and use sheepskin shampoo to clean the dirt, bacteria and any stored grime in the inside of the shoe without using any harsh cleaners.
- Now that you are done with cleaning the interiors using a gentle shampoo, you will need to sponge away the lather without soaking the entire boot in water. Use a damp cloth for this purpose as this will allow you to take off the lather.
- Keep repeating the process to take off lather till nothing else comes off. Remember you will put water inside the boots, not outside, to avoid water stains.
- The shampoo should not be put into the insides directly, rather should be diluted with water and then slowly lathered. You can lather one area and sponge it out instead of doing the whole thing entirely to avoid wetting the suede surface outside.
What Are Bearpaw Boots Made Of?
These boots are made of different materials in the exterior and in the interior of them. Outside of Bearpaws, you get suede uppers.
Inside the boots, you have a lining of sheepskin which has a woolen texture. Both of these combined give you warmth on the inside and comfort all around and can provide you with support in cold weather.
The sole is made of rubber and these can work to protect your feet from natural elements with good grip so that you do not slip in the cold snow.
Can You Wash Your Bearpaw Boots In The Washer?
No. From the manufacturer’s recommendation, you cannot put it in the washer or the washing machine. Hand washing with a spine or a damp cloth will always give you the best results.
But you should always remember to maintain the shape of your Bearpaws, you should fold and put a newspaper inside as it dries and occasionally change the paper ball. Also, after washing, remember to lift the nap in the same direction that it was in before washing.
Are Bearpaw Boots Vegan?
They are not completely vegan. However, they do offer you 3 boots in vegan versions. From the outer micro-suede upper to the faux sheepskin lining, every part of these vegan version is animal cruelty free and are stilll as comfortable.