Why Doc Martens Make Your Toes Numb?

DATE: December 27, 2022

Author: Jimmy Lewis


Having a good pair of boots is exciting. Especially if that ensures durability and comfort, you will not want your new shoe to cause any pain. Doc martens are one of the best leather shoes on the market. If you are worried about how they will fit you or if they are going to cause numbness to your toe, understanding the problem is the priority. 

Doc martens is very popular for its high-profile leather and exclusive designs. The shoes are durable and practical to wear. 

Despite being pricier than others, they win the user’s heart on a whim. But sometimes, there are complaints that the shoes feel stiff and cause pain and numbness. If you want to know why doc martens make your toes numb, learn about everything that might cause the problems. So, let’s dig deeper into the topic.

Why Doc Martens Make Your Toes Numb?

Why Doc Martens Make Your Toes Numb?

You might encounter difficulties when looking for the perfect pair of leather boots. Especially if you are a first-timer, you will feel uncomfortable or have numbness in your toes. Here are some reasons why doc martens might make your tone numb.

Trying For The First Time 

It is common to feel uncomfortable if you are not used to wearing boots. Boots usually cover all your leg up to your ankle. So it is less breathable than other footwear. Also, because of the boot’s structure, you might feel foreign. If you are a first-timer, try to buy the boot that matches your shoe size and gives enough time for the boot to be comfortable.

Wrong Sizing 

You should always prioritise comfort before style while choosing footwear. Don’t wear a small-sized or oversized boot. Wearing the right size footwear is a must to keep your legs healthy. With a small-sized boot, your feet will feel crumpled, and you will encounter problems like stiff muscle, numbness and disturbance in blood circulation. 

If you ignore the problem once or twice, it might permanently damage your nerves and muscles. Then you will feel pain 24/7 or no matter what you wear. It will hinder you from finding the perfect size to make your walk more comfortable.

Wearing The Wrong Pair Of Socks

Though it is not common, if you wear thick socks with the right size of shoes, the inner chamber of your shoe will be consumed with the sock volume. As a result, your feet will feel suffocated, and the stuck-up moisture in that congested area will induce pain and discomfort.

Damaged Nerve

Sometimes it is not entirely the fault of your shoe. As doc martens is a rigid and strong shoe, it needs to fit perfectly to ensure no hindrance in blood circulation and breathability. 

But if your nerve is already damaged or suffering from any hit, you will feel numb wearing the shoe. The shoe provides strong support to maintain the shape and protect your leg. But it is not the case for injured feet. So, make sure your nerve and muscles are in good shape before trying on new doc martens shoe.

Having Wider Feet

Usually, the readymade shoes are made for the normal width of feet. If your feet are wider than the general structure of shoes, then even the right size will not fit you properly. To make place for the width of your feet, the area for your toe will become smaller. So you need to find out if your feet’ width matches the shoe’s inner width.

What To Do To Make Your Doc Martens Comfortable?

Though doc martens is very popular for their comfort and durability, some people find the shoes stiff and difficult to walk in at first. Let’s find out how to make your doc martens comfortable and reduce the possibility of harming your feet.

What To Do To Make Your Doc Martens Comfortable?

Choose The Right Pair 

Most of the time, numbness of your thumb is caused by wearing the wrong-sized shoe. To prevent that, you need to wear shoes of the right size and make your feet comfortable with your new pair of shoes. 

Doc martens is famous for its practical structure and being true to its size. If the shoe you are buying does not fit you perfectly, do not force yourself to fit in. You will find the perfect pair if you look through their wide collection. So, don’t settle with something that does not match your feet and find the right pair.

Break In The New Shoe According To Your Feet Size

While trying your new boot, it might feel stiff at first. Give your shoe the time to mould into your foot size. You might need three to four weeks of break-in time for doc martens. Wear a thick pair of socks and then wear the shoe. Walk in them for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the process a few times a day. Do not wear the shoe for a long period. It might hurt your feet.

Keep Your Shoe Clean

Sometimes not taking care of your shoe hardens the outer layer and makes it more uncomfortable. Clean the inside and outside of your shoe when it gets dirty. Keep it in a dry and safe place.

Lace Your Shoe Properly

Even with the right size of shoes, lacing them too tightly can make your feet numb and feel uncomfortable. If you tie your lace too tight, blood circulation will be hindered. It will make the muscles of your feet stiff, and your feet will feel numb. Tie your shoelaces a little loosely to give your feet more breathing space.

Stretch To Relax Your Tense Muscle

If you have stiff muscles or numbness anywhere, you must stretch your muscles to make them feel comfortable. Don’t keep wearing uncomfortable shoes, and try to exercise a little to make the blood circulation back to normal.

Final Words

No matter how good your shoe is, the wrong pair can make you suffer. You would not like your high-profile shoe to go to waste without making any contribution. 

So take care of your doc martens boot and have a long-lasting, sturdy companion for your journey.

Knowing why doc martens make your toes numb will help you prevent similar issues. I hope the knowledge helps you to make your doc martens more comfortable.

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Jimmy Lewis

Travel & Shoe Fashion Enthusiast
This is Jimmy Lewis, a travel enthusiast with professionalism and a hobbyist who goes around the world, leads an enjoyable life with remarkable comfort. I’m one of the men with expertise in traveling, hiking, trekking, and jumping over 5 years of experience in living a remarkable life to be happy! That’s what, about shoes, I built an amazing website named SHOEFILTER.com to express my gathering knowledge over decades.

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